Core Aeration
Core Aeration Process
Core aeration is a process by which cores or plugs of soil, normally 2″ in length and 1″ thick, are removed from your lawn using what is called an aerator machine. This machine has what are called tines or metal tubes that when moved forward will pull out these cores of soil creating a hole and will leave the core of soil lay on the grass.
Benefits of Aeration
There are so many benefits from aerating your yard from the holes created to the plugs lying on the grass.
The cores or plugs of soil left behind on your grass have many benefits to your lawn. These soil plugs when broken down release thousands of beneficial micro organisms that will digest thatch and will break down in to the soil, basically compost.
This process itself creates added macro nutrients called Nitrates (natural fertilizer) which will feed your grass. Soon after the lawn is aerated, white actively growing roots will appear in these created holes. This is a great sign that grass roots are responding to the oxygen, water and nutrients. These holes essentially create deeper root growth as a result, and as the roots spread into these voids, you create a thicker lawn.
Recap of core aeration benefits:
- Improved water, fertilizer, air and nutrient intake
- Deeper root development Soil structure improvement
- Reduction of Thatch Reduction of water run off
- Thicker healthier lawn
Soil Compaction
Soil compaction can be a damaging to your lawn creating shallow root growth, creating a weaker turf. Aeration will loosen up the lawns top two inches keeping the roots deep and healthy. Frequent foot traffic and lawn mowing can cause compaction.
A study from the lawn institute estimates that over two thirds of lawns grow on compacted soils. Compaction can cause grass to thin, discolor and show signs of stress from high temps. Any of these can make it susceptible to disease and damage from insects. walking, moving and playing can cause traffic compaction. Rain and irrigation can also compact soil.
Core Aeration
Relieves soil compaction and promotes healthy turf. This is one service that should not be over-looked.
Test for compaction by pushing a screw driver into the soil. If the screw driver goes in a couple of inches, your soil is compacted and definitely needs to be aerated. If the screw driver goes in all the way or several inches, then you have fairly loose soil, but would still benefit with an aeration to keep it this way.
Maintenance & Aerating
It’s beneficial to aerate at least once a year, better twice a year. Along with fertilizing and keeping the grass cut at 2 1/2″ and 1″ of water a week, your lawn will be very, very thick and healthy over a couple years.
Once a lawn develops that deep, thick root system, it will have a much easier time taking care of itself. If you would like us aerate your lawn, the Fall is best. Pick a program that works for you.
Seeding and aerating go hand in hand to create the thicker yard. It is the perfect time to apply seed now that you have the holes and soil plugs from aeration.
Not only does the hole create the perfect bed for the seed to germinate, but the soil plugs also act as a top coat for the seed as the core breaks down, helping establish the seed. If you decide to seed, make sure you do it when you aerate!
Seed comes in blends, and depending what your looking for in your lawn, will determine what kind of blend you have. Most northern climate lawns use more Blue grass than anything, but most blends will use Rye Grasses and Fescues, and if you’re lucky, no weed grass.
Our premium seed has zero weed grass, and we do use a greater percentage of Rye and Kentucky Blue grass. The nice thing about Blue grass I love is that it spreads and gets thicker in time with aerating. best. Pick a program that works for you.

Service Area
FJ Lawn Care provides lawn mowing, fertilizer and weed control, mole control, gopher control, lawn care, landscaping, and snow removal for:
Maple Grove, Plymouth, Osseo, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, North Minneapolis, North East Minneapolis
Uptown Minneapolis, South Minneapolis, St Louis Park, Edina
Fridley, Columbia Heights, New Brighton, St Anthony
New Hope, Crystal, Robbinsdale, Golden Valley
M-F 7am - 6pm Sat 9am - 3pm