Weed Control for Minneapolis! Ask about our three application treatment program! 98% control rate!
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Common Dandelion Root. Broad Leaf Weed Control. Minneapolis, MN
Common Lawn Weeds

Common lawn weeds that are normally found in our Twin Cities lawns are perennial weeds like Dandelions, White Clover, Plantain, and Ground Ivy. These weeds have tough root systems that can rob your lawn of valuable nutrients and water.
Therefore stressing your lawn by thinning the grasses root system, inviting disease pests and affecting your lawns aesthetics. The last thing most of us want is our company looking at a yard full of weeds! These weeds are not pretty to look at.

Fj Lawn Care can eradicate these weed pests through our weed control program at an affordable price. Most herbicide applications are combined in our fertilizing applications in Spring Summer and fall, with one or two spot spray applications in May, June, or July. Spot spray applications can applied as needed at your request or scheduled.
Fj Lawn Care Specializes in Creeping Charlie control!
Ah! Ground Ivy or Creeping Charlie as most of us know it as, is a shallow rooted perennial ground weed that persists in moist, shady areas of your lawn and gardens but will invade sunny areas with a strong root system, and decent moisture. The stems that have the round scalloped shaped leaves grow from 15-30″ from the node of the shallow feeder roots. Spring you’ll often see tiny lavender to light blue colored flowers on two to three inch spikes. Our specialty is Creeping Charlie or Ground Ivy.
Creeping Charlie Treatment
Fj Lawn Care offers a 3 application weed control treatment program that is labeled through testing to control 98% of this weed. Through a six week weed control program, 1 application every two weeks, you will begin to see after 5 to 7 days the first signs of it’s eradication. The herbicide works through attacking the plants photosynthetic process, essentially starving the weed of important Carbohydrates, nutrients and water all needed for cell growth. Here are two before and after pictures of the results:

Creeping Charlie or Ground Ivy. Weed Control

Creeping Charlie treatments Minneapolis, MN
Ask about our ‘Good Neighbor’ special for Creeping Charlie
When two adjoining neighbors both have a Creeping Charlie infestation,a treatment plan should be scheduled. This will create better results with eradication when both neighbors sign of for our three application treatment plan. Because we are treating two adjoining properties, we will offer a discount.
Untreated Neighbors No Guarantee! Unfortunately Creeping Charlie is very aggressive. Neighboring lawns that have not been treated, will result in the spreading of your lawn in a matter of a couple weeks.
Thus, it would take six more weeks to eradicate a new infestation, which would start the process over again, but we would offer a discount for the second round. The other option to this, would be to monitor your border and using a three or four pronged hoe, trouble shoot small areas that may appear, usually a couple of feet from border.
This is called mechanical pest control. This is effective, as I have been doing it in my yard. It works, but you have to be on it every week. The best thing to do is get your neighbor to treat!
Treated Neighbors One Month guarantee! Both adjoining neighbors must not have it, at all. Once again, Creeping Charlie is the most difficult broad leaf weed to eradicate, but the results are 98% by label control rated. We have seen it ourselves last weeks even months, but there are many variables and every yard is different.
Creeping Charlie hides around plants at risk of be killed, under mulch or your neighbors lawn. There is no telling when it could back, hence the nickname ‘Creeping Charlie.’ Once again the best way to control it after application is mechanical control, using a hoe.
In some cases, you may need annual treatments to continue controlling it. In combination with our Lawn maintenance programs through aerating and fertilizing, building a thicker lawn creating deeper root system will also help in keeping them out.

Service Area
FJ Lawn Care provides lawn mowing, fertilizer and weed control, mole control, gopher control, lawn care, landscaping, and snow removal for:
Maple Grove, Plymouth, Osseo, Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, North Minneapolis, North East Minneapolis
Uptown Minneapolis, South Minneapolis, St Louis Park, Edina
Fridley, Columbia Heights, New Brighton, St Anthony
New Hope, Crystal, Robbinsdale, Golden Valley
M-F 7am - 6pm Sat 9am - 3pm